Affréteur groupe malherbe

Charterer M/F

A charterer is responsible for putting together transport solutions, either requested by their clients or by other parties within the company for which they work, by sub-contracting. He/she reports directly to the Operations Manager.

Responsibilities: Charterer

  • Receiving of internally generated transport requests, for sub-contracting.
  • Receiving of external chartering customer orders for transport (telephone, fax, etc.).
  • Responding to requests for quotations for existing chartering clients.
  • Analysis of these requests, verification of their feasibility and, if necessary, requesting that modifications be made.
  • Researching suitable sub-contractors, who are able to provide the required services.
  • Initial selection of sub-contractors.
  • Communication with the clients regarding the results of this research.
  • Follow through to completion of contracted services.
  • Maintaining of regular, daily contact with clients and any after-sales service.

Required skills

  • Motivation and organisation.
  • Excellent communication skills and a clearly defined aptitude for negotiation.
  • Good knowledge of the transport industry, of ‘Ulysse’ (transport booking and chartering software) and of European transport legislation.