Commitments that liven up our daily lives
and a clear vision of our responsibilities
ISO 9001 certified, Malherbe’s management system is structured around operational, managerial and support processes. These processes define the group’s strategy and management, voluntarily integrating the social and environmental concerns of sustainable development, as well as the aspects of quality, safety and hygiene.
Management and the Quality, Safety, Environment (QSE) department are involved on a daily basis in improving identified areas of progress, while raising awareness and mobilizing Malherbe employees about the group’s commitments and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy ( note Ecovadis).
Driven by the strong principles of exemplarity and excellence, the Malherbe organization is entirely focused on the maximum satisfaction of its customers. Every day, the group’s teams combine their know-how and monitoring tools to provide you with a quality service to support your performance, with the strictest respect for your requirements. All of our operational processes take into account the management of risks linked to the conformity of your goods.
Our on-board IT allows us to monitor our vehicles and deliveries in real time, in order to ensure the security of the people and goods transported. True ambassadors, our drivers are trained in quality and safety throughout their careers. The security of our infrastructure and our management data also occupies an important place in our international transport and logistics activities.
Our other Quality certifications

Our companies Eikon Logistics and TLW, strongly imbued with the culture of petrochemicals, have been engaged in the voluntary SQAS assessment process for several years.
Our own fleet operations rely on integrated resources (Training and Mechanical Workshops), themselves part of a specific improvement approach supervised by professional certifications.
Our integrated training organization relies on a network of trainers providing support for our fleet agencies, from hiring and throughout the employee’s cycle within the company.
We have been Qualiopi certified since January 2022.
This makes it possible to respect a certain methodology in terms of information and training management, through the establishment of activity indicators and effectiveness measurement accompanied by an appropriate documentary system.
We are autonomous in providing FCOs and supporting our employees with the aim of increasingly responsible conduct in terms of Safety and the Environment.

For more flexibility (and less downtime) in the management of rolling technical resources, our company Garage Malherbe benefits from Cemafroid approval allowing it to undergo the ATP renewal of our semi-trailers and carriers within a dedicated cell .
our commitments CSR

We have been audited by Sedex Smeta since June 2022, based on a CSR framework mainly based on the theme of people and ethics.
0 NC in progress
Our commitment to the environment
After a CO2 reduction of 6.9% (for a target of 4%) during our 2019-2020-2021 commitment, we have just signed a 5th commitment 2022-2023-2024 with the new objective of an 8% reduction in emissions.
Between 2010 and 2012, we reduced our mileage emissions by 25% on our own fleet transport activities.
Our subsidiary Étoile Routière is certified and won the performance prize for certified companies with more than 50 employees.

We have signed a commitment SBTI in April 2021 and formed a 2030 plan to reduce greenhouse gases to align with global climate agreements.
Our copy has been scientifically validated, which allows us to best support our partners who necessarily rely heavily on transport to achieve their own ambitious objectives.
Committed to SBTi since April 2021, the MALHERBE group is now celebrating the 1st anniversary of the official validation of its file (November 2023) and its decarbonization trajectory by 2030.
Based on data from the reference year (2021), which we readjust in accordance with the protocol, depending on significant external growth, our overall objective is to reduce our CO2 emissions by 32.4%, according to the following distribution:
– scope 1 and 2 (direct emissions linked to transport and building energy): objective -42%;
– scope 3 (indirect emissions): -26.19% for emissions linked to transport subcontracting and -25% for emissions linked to purchases of goods and services.
During the first 2 years 2022 and 2023, we recorded a reduction of 12.38% in CO2 while our trajectory predicted 10% by 2025: -12.8% on clean stock, -6.2% on building energy, -7.5 % on transport subcontracting and -2.6% on purchases of goods and services.
At this stage, the program resulting from our prospective study is respected and our 2 main levers are dynamically activated by our teams: the progressive energy mix of our fleet favored by a massive and dynamic renewal of our rolling stock, and the motivating challenge of our drivers to respect ever more and better the precepts of virtuous, safe and eco-responsible driving.

Un parc machines renouvelé
tous les 3 ans
Malherbe renouvelle son parc véhicules tous les 3 ans, dans le respect des normes environnementales européennes les plus strictes en matière de réglementation des émissions de polluants atmosphériques (normes Euro 6 principalement). Le groupe réalise également des contrôles préventifs réguliers de la pression pneumatique.
Des véhicules propres et une station GNL et GNC indépendante
Malherbe a l’ambition de prolonger le développement de son parc de véhicules propres.
En effet, depuis 2019, le groupe a investi dans 20 véhicules GnV et cet investissement s’est couplé avec l’implantation, sur notre siège, d’une station GNL & GNC.
An empowering managerial system
In application of the Law for the freedom to choose one’s professional future, French companies with 50 employees and more publish their gender equality index based on 4 indicators leading to
a score out of 100 points.
Notre engagement pour l’environnement
- un management toujours plus pointu et incitatif pour veiller au respect continu d’une conduite écoresponsable,
- une politique offensive de renouvellement du parc s’appuyant sur une mixité énergétique progressive,
- l’optimisation, encore, de nos plans de transport, de notre processus de maintenance et d’affectation, et la mutualisation de nos ressources.
Un parc machines renouvelé
tous les 3 ans
Malherbe renouvelle son parc véhicules tous les 3 ans, dans le respect des normes environnementales européennes les plus strictes en matière de réglementation des émissions de polluants atmosphériques (normes Euro 6 principalement). Le groupe réalise également des contrôles préventifs réguliers de la pression pneumatique.
Des véhicules propres et une station GNL et GNC indépendante
Malherbe a l’ambition de prolonger le développement de son parc de véhicules propres.
En effet, depuis 2019, le groupe a investi dans 20 véhicules GnV et cet investissement s’est couplé avec l’implantation, sur notre siège, d’une station GNL & GNC.
un système managérial responsabilisant
Le système managérial de Malherbe porte une grande importance à la formation de ses conducteurs à la conduite responsable, notamment sur le plan de la sécurité et de l’environnement, tout au long de leur carrière. Des bilans réguliers sont effectués suite à l’analyse continue des comportements de conduite.
En application de la Loi pour la liberté de choisir son Avenir Professionnel, les sociétés françaises de 50 salariés et plus publient leur index égalité femmes/hommes basé sur 4 indicateurs aboutissant à
une note sur 100 points.
Des certifications et chartes respectées
Cliquez ci-dessous pour télécharger en PDF les détails de chacune de nos démarches.
Created in 1953, Malherbe is today one of the French leaders in the transport of general goods in batches and groupage.